Monday, October 8, 2007

The importance of the food

No matter for weight loss or for muscles building, nutrition is the most important element for good results. Good food guarantees good form, nice looking body and stable health.

Remember: Feeding is between 60% and 80% of the fitness depending on the person. There are few exceptions of people who eat everything and look better day after day. They have really fast metabolism and practice a lot. But they also need regular feeding no matter what they eat. Thanks to the food we build and develop our body, but most important we keep it alive. That's why never stop eating for a long time because of causes like more kilos, diets or something like that. Every builder eats at least 4-5 times a day, even those who have to reduce the fats must eat more times than before with some specifications of coursе. Food gives energy and building material, don't deprive your body of that.

A huge part of the illnesses are caused by regularly eating of bad food or missing food. The healthy people eat correctly. They are strong and have good immunity system. That's why you are what you eat.

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